Entries by Clerk

Notice of Conclusion of Audit for 2022-2023

Dear Resident, This parish council duly displays a notice of conclusion of audit for the year 2022-23 together with copies of the AGAR, Sections 1, 2 and 3 for your information. Kind regards, Louise Sahota – Clerk and RFO to the parish council.


NORMAN DAWSON TRUST CHURCHILL BLAKEDOWN PARISH COUNCIL  Brrrr, It’s Cold Out There….. The Norman Dawson Trust, concerned at the many pressures we are all facing around inflation, the increasing cost of living, and soaring fuel prices, are sponsoring (through the Parish Council) a series of mini ‘Winter Warmer’ events around the villages during the winter […]

Wyre Forest District Local Plan (2016-2036)

The Local Plan includes the planning policies used to guide and determine future planning applications in the Wyre Forest District. It details the scale and distribution of new development and includes land allocations and designations. The Wyre Forest District Local Plan (2016-2036) was formally adopted by Wyre Forest District Council on 26 April 2022. View […]

Churchill & Blakedown Neighbourhood Plan

The Churchill and Blakedown Neighbourhood Plan has been made by the District Council forming part of the Wyre Forest District Council’s Development Plan after it was officially adopted on 26th July 2017. Planning applications for development in Churchill & Blakedown will now have to take into account the parish’s Neighbourhood Plan. View the full application